Sunday, May 11, 2008

Al-Bayan (1)

‘Build our faith through the mind of Al-Quran’

Islam is the religion preached by all the prophets of God. Islam is the religion of truth. God said: “Say, (O Muhammad) we believe in God, and in the revelation given to us, and to Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob and the Tribes. We believe in the revelation that was sent to Moses, Jesus and all other prophets from their Lord. We make no distinction between them and to Him we surrender (The Qur’an: 3:83 & 2:136).
Basically, Islam denotes submission, surrender and obedience. Another literally meaning of the word Islam is “peace”; signifies that man can only achieve real peace through submission and obedience to Allah.
Allah is the Lord and Sovereign of the Universe. He is the Lord of the Universe which He alone sustains. He created man and prescribed a certain code of life but has at the same time conferred upon man freedom of choice.
The Kalimah (Article of faith) “Lailaha illa’l-Lah” (There is no God except Allah) presents the concept of Tawheed (Oneness of Good) and the second part of Kalimah, “Muhammad-ur-Rasu’l-Lah (Muhammad is His Prophet) affirms the prophethood of Muhammad (peace be upon him).
When faith enters our heart, it causes certain mental states which resulted to essence of Ibada (Worshipping or serving God).
- megatrambai

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